The Relationship among Achievement Motivation, and Work Values and Entrepreneurial Intention in Peking University
摘要: 本研究探讨了北京大学学生创业意向、职业价值观和成就动机的关系。采用“创业意向调查问卷”、“职业价值观量表”、“个我取向成就动机量表”和“社会取向成就动机量表”问卷测量了北京大学642名学生的创业意向、职业价值观和成就动机,通过结构方程模型考察了职业价值观的因素结构,以及职业价值观在成就动机、创业意向之间的中介作用。结果发现职业价值观是内在价值和外在价值两个因素构成的,且验证了职业价值观的中介作用,并且发现个我取向成就动机对创业意向的影响作用比社会取向成就动机更大。
Abstract: In the present study, we investigated the relationship among entrepreneurial intention, work value and achievement motivation in the sample of 642 undergraduates and graduate students of Peking University, adopting EIQ (The Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire), WVI (Work Values Inventory), IOAM (Individual-Oriented Achievement Motivation Scale), and SOAM (Society-Oriented Achievement Motivation Scale). Using Structural Equation Modeling, we examined the factor structure of work values and the mediating role of work values in the relationship between achievement motivation and entrepreneurial intention. The result revealed the existence of a two-factor structure for the work values and confirmed the mediating role of work values. We also found that individual-oriented achievement motivation had a more important influence on entrepreneurial intention than society-oriented achievement motivation.
文章引用:李妍, 甘廷婷, 苏迪, 郑静璐, 张亮, 乔志宏 (2013). 大学生成就动机、职业价值观与创业意向的关系——以北京大学为例. 心理学进展, 3(3), 140-146. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.33023


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