The Nature of Dark Matter Research——Dark Matter Particles Is Zhongjizi
摘要: 在普朗克量子假说和爱因斯坦光量子假说的基础上,提出了中基子(一种新的基本粒子)假说,揭示了光子的实质和质量起源及万有引力的量子性和暗物质的本质。结果表明,光子实质上是中基子的集合,光是由中基子组成的,光的本质是粒子性的,光的性质由中基子的性质决定,光的量子性本质上就是光的中基子性;中基子是宇宙中最基本的粒子;中基子是质量的起源,它是赋予其他粒子以质量的粒子;中基子是传递万有引力的粒子,万有引力的传递速度等于光速;万有引力的量子性本质上即为万有引力是由中基子传递的性质;所谓的暗物质本质上就是充满宇宙的、传递引力的中基子,中基子即为所谓的暗物质粒子。
Abstract: Based on the Planck quantum hypothesis and the Einstein’s light quantum hypothesis, zhongjizi (a new elementary particles) hypothesis is proposed, it reveals that the essence of photon and quality origin, and gravitation quantum property and the nature of dark matter. The results show that light quantum (that is, photon) is essentially a collection of zhongjizi, light is composed of zhongjizi, the essence of light is the nature of particle, and the nature of light is determined by the nature of the zhongjizi, quantum nature of light is essentially zhongjizi nature light. In the universe zhongjizi is the most basic particle; zhongjizi is the origin of the quality. It is given to the quality of the particles of the other particles; zhongjizi are the particles that transferring the gravitation, the speed of transferring the gravitation equals the speed of light. The quantum nature of gravitation is gravitation, and it is the nature of the zhongjizi transferring; the so-called dark matter is essentially filled in the universe that transferring gravitational zhongjizi, zhongjizi is the so-called dark matter particles.
文章引用:王力纬. 暗物质的本质研究——暗物质的粒子即为中基子[J]. 天文与天体物理, 2013, 1(4): 53-59. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/aas.2013.14008


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