Interpretation of Ortega Y. Gasset’ Higher Education Idea—Understanding Based on “Mission of the University”
摘要: 《大学的使命》是一部具有强烈批判和改革精神的经典著作,它充分展示了奥尔特加?加塞特高等教育思想的创造性和预见性。本文基于对《大学的使命》的理解和分析,从大学职能的论述、学生中心地位的强调、大学的批判精神和大众教育思想四方面来重新解读奥尔特加的大学理念。
Abstract: “Mission of the University” is a classic works full of the spirits of critique and reform, which fully demonstrates the creativity and foresight of Ortega Y. Gasset’ creative ideas of higher education. This article reinterprets Ortega’ ideas of university from the functions of universities, emphasis on student center, critical spirit of universities and mass education based on understanding and analysis of “Mission of the University”.
文章引用:程海霞. 超越时代:奥尔特加●加塞特的高等教育思想——基于《大学的使命》[J]. 教育进展, 2011, 1(2): 55-58. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ae.2011.12011