A Review of the Geophysical Techniques for Investigating the Underwater Landslide Sediments in the Water Reservoirs
摘要: 本文检视目前运用于水库库区水下探测之地球物理方法,提出适用于水下滑坡监测之各种可行技术,包括单音束、多音束回声测深仪、侧扫声纳、水下地质剖面探测仪、以及水下地电阻探测等技术,并整理参考过去应用相关技术于水库、河道、湖岸边坡稳定性之相关研究,检视各种工具之原理与适用性,并提出进一步运用于水库库区滑坡监测调查之合适方法,以提供未来研究者进一步规划研究之参考。
Abstract: We have reviewed the geophysical methods that were suitable for the exploration of the sediment structures in the water reservoirs. We examined the methods including the single beam, multi-beam echosounders, side-scan sonars, as well as the sub-bottom profiler and underwater resistivity methods for their resolutions and exploration depths. We show several cases that utilizing the aforementioned methods for the studies in the water reservoir environments in the manuscript. After carefully review the different methods, we proposed proper strategies for the future investigation of the underwater landslides in the water reservoirs.
文章引用:张并瑜, 周汉文. 水库库区水下滑坡与崩坍淤积地形之地球物理探测技术检讨与回顾[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2012, 2(2): 104-109. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2012.22015
