Study on sustainable development based on ecological footprint of energy in Zaozhuang City
摘要: 根据枣庄市近年来经济发展特点及经济政策,将传统生态足迹模型和基于能值分析的生态足迹模型的理论原理应用到枣庄市生态经济系统的环境状况的评估当中,对其2005-2009年的生态足迹进行计算与分析对比,并绘制生态足迹多样性指数和生态平衡系数走势图以衡量该区域的可持续发展程度。两种计算结果都表明枣庄市的生物生产性土地需求状况不均衡,需求与供给之间差距越来越大,枣庄市的整体生态环境发展偏离可持续发展的轨道。
>Depending on economical development character and economic policy of Zaozhuang city, the conventional ecological footprint model and emergy ecological footprint model were introduced to calculation and analysis the environmental situation of Zaozhuang from 2005 to 2009.By making trend diagram of footprint diversity and ecological balance capability per capita in order to measure the sustainable development degree in this area. Both of the two method manifest that the Zaozhaung city’s unbalanced state about it is requirement for biological productive land, there is a growing gap between supply and demand. In any case, the overall ecological environment of Zaozhuang city is under an unsustainable condition.

文章引用:丁浩, 陈雪敏, 章晶晶. 基于能值生态足迹的枣庄市可持续发展研究[J]. 低碳经济, 2012, 1(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/jlce.2012.11001


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