




一共发表和录用论文60余篇,其中被SCI索引27篇(第一作者22篇),EI索引30篇(第一作者25篇),主要工作被人工智能最顶级会议IJCAIAgen领域研究最顶级会议AAMASIEEE TPDSIEEE TSMC-AIEEE TSMC-CJPDC多家国际著名SCI/EI检索期刊录用或发表。相关论文获得亚太地区Agent研究领域最权威会议PRIMA06的最佳论文奖。 

  1. Y.C.Jiang, T.Ishida. A model for collective strategy diffusion in agent social law evolution. Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07), pp.1353-1358, Hyderabad, India, January 6-12, 2007
  2. Y.C.Jiang, J.C.Jiang, T.Ishida. Agent coordination by trade-off between locally diffusion effects and socially structural influences. Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-07), pp.520-522, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 14-18, 2007. (EI)
  3. J.Jiang, Y.C.Jiang. Convergence at prominent agents: a non-flat synchronization model of situated multi-agents. Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-08), pp.1493-1496, Estoril, Portugal. May 12-16, 2008. (2008年中国大陆唯一一篇)
  4. Y.C.Jiang (蒋嶷川),Z.C.Huang, W.Zhou. Rich get richer: the preferential attachment of task allocation in networked multiagent systems with data resource caching. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, accepted. (SCIEI检索源期刊)
  5. Y.C.Jiang (蒋嶷川),J.Hu, D.Lin. Decision making of networked multiagent systems for interaction structures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, DOI:10.1109/TSMCA.2011.2114343, in press. (SCIEI检索源,已录用、印刷中)
  6. Y.C.Jiang (蒋嶷川),Z.F.Li. Locality-sensitive task allocation and load balancing in networked multiagent systems: talent versus centrality. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol.71, No.6, 2011. (SCIEI检索)
  7. Y.C.Jiang. Concurrent collective strategy diffusion of multiagents: the spatial model and case study. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol.39, No.4, pp. 448 - 458, 2009. (SCI, IDS Number: 458XV; EI Number: 20092712164866)
  8. Y.C.Jiang, J.C.Jiang. Contextual resource negotiation-based task allocation and load balancing in complex software systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol.20, No.5, pp.641-653, 2009. (SCI,IDS Number: 423VJ; EI Number: 20092012081191)
  9. Y.C.Jiang, J.Hu. Favor-based decision: a novel approach to modeling the strategy diffusion in causal multiagent societies. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.38, No.4, pp.2974–2983, 2011. (SCI, IDS Number: 715RY; EI Number: 20110113541950)
  10. 10.Y.C.Jiang. Organizational structure-satisfactory social law determination in multiagent workflow systems. Computing and Informatics, Vol.29, No.3, pp.389-405, 2010. (SCI, IDS Number: 652HA)
  11. Y.C.Jiang, J.C.Jiang, T.Ishida. Compatibility between the local and social performances of multi-agent societies. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 36, No.3-Part 1, pp.4443-4450, 2009. (SCI, IDS Number: 410NJ; EI Number: 090411876829)
  12. Y.C.Jiang. On self-adjustment of socila conventions to small perturbations. Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.25, No.12, pp.4215-4218, 2008. (SCI, IDS Number: 384VK)
  13. Y.C.Jiang. Extracting social laws from unilateral binary constraint relation topologies in multiagent systems. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 35, No.4, pp.2004-2012, 2008. (SCI,IDS Number: 262YB; EI number: 075211001756)
  14. Y.C.Jiang. Locating active actors in the scientific collaboration communities based on interaction topology analyses. Scientometrics. Vol 74, No.3, pp.471-482, 2008. (SCI, SSCI检索, IDS Number: 281GX)
  15. Y.C.Jiang, T.Ishida. Local interaction and non-local coordination in agent social law diffusion. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 34, No.1, pp.87-95, 2008. (SCI, IDS Number: 222KP; EI number: 072110610567)
  16. Y.C.Jiang, J.C.Jiang. A multi-agent coordination model for the variation of underlying network topology. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 29, No.2, pp.372-382, 2005. (SCI,IDS Number: 951RE; EI number: EIP 05309230393)
  17. Y.C.Jiang, Z.Y.Xia, S.Y.Zhang. A novel defense model for dynamic topology network based on mobile agent. Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol.29, No.6, pp.289-297, 2005. (SCI, IDS Number: 933XT; EI number: EIP05229127519)
  18. Y.C.Jiang, P.Yi, S.Y.Zhang, Y.P.Zhong. Constructing agents blackboard communication architecture based on graph theory. Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol.27, No.3, pp.285-301, 2005. (SCI, IDS Number: 886JX; EI Number: EIP04518731248)
  19. Y.C.Jiang, Z.Y.Xia, Y.P.Zhong, S.Y.Zhang. Autonomous trust construction in multi-agent systems- a graph theory methodology. Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.36, No.2, pp.59-66, 2005. (SCI, IDS Number: 891FI; EI Number: EIP04528746443)
  20. Y.C.Jiang, Z.Y.Xia, S.Y.Zhang. An adaptive adjusting mechanism for agent distributed blackboard architecture. Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol.29, No.1, pp.9-20, 2005. (SCI, IDS Number: 885QE, EI Number: EIP04528746275)
  21. Y.C.Jiang, Z.Y.Xia, Y.P.Zhong, S.Y.Zhang. Defend mobile agent against malicious hosts in migration itineraries. Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 28, No.10, pp.531-546, 2004. (SCI, IDS Number: 871MX; EI Number: EIP04478464258)
  22. Y.C.Jiang, Y.P.Zhong, S.Y.Zhang. The agent migration & fault-tolerance management in dynamic network security system. International Journal of Information Technology & Management, Vol.4, No.1, pp.94-112, 2004. (EI number: EIP05159040262)
  23. Z.Y.Xia, J.Wang, Y.C.Jiang. Design quality of security service negotiation protocol. Computing and informatics, Vol.24, No.2, pp.149-165, 2005. (SCI, IDS Number: 984GR)
  24. Y.C.Jiang. The evolution of multiagent cooperation communication architecture in dynamic topology networks. International Journal of Computers and Applications, (Accepted and to appearEI检索源期刊)
  25. Y.C.Jiang, T.Ishida. Evolve individual agents strategies to global social law by hierarchical immediate diffusion. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.5043, pp.80-91, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. (EI Number: 084411664132)
  26. Y.C.Jiang, T.Ishida. Concurrent agent social strategy diffusion with the unification trend. The Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems: 9th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2006. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4088, pp.256-268, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2006. (SCIIDS Number: BEV65, EI Number: 063210058197. Best Paper Award)
  27. Y.C.Jiang, S.Y.Zhang. Applying Multi-Medians Location & Steiner Tree Methods into agents distributed blackboard architecture construction. AI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3339, pp.923-929, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2004. (SCI, IDS Number: BBM32; EI Number: EIP05329284875)
  28. Y.C.Jiang, Y.P.Zhong, S.Y.Zhang. A topology-adapted network defense model based on mobile agent. Grid and Cooperative Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3252, pp.335-342, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2004. (SCI, IDS Number: BBD88)
  29. Y.C.Jiang, Z.Y.Xia, Y.P.Zhong, S.Y.Zhang. A Novel Autonomous Trust Management Model for Mobile Agents. Intelligence and Security Informatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3073, pp.56-65, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2004. (SCI, IDS Number: BAH47)
  30. Y.C.Jiang, Z.Y.Xia, Y.P.Zhong, S.Y.Zhang. The construction and analysis of an agent fault-tolerance model based on π-Calculus. Computational Science - ICCS 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3038, pp.591-598, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2004. (SCI, IDS Number: BAG08)
  31. Z.Y.Xia, Y.C.Jiang, J.Wang. Dynamic security service negotiation to ensure security for information sharing on the Internet. Intelligence and Security Informatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3495, pp.640-641, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2005. (SCI, IDS Number: BCN19; EI Number: EIP 05399382434)
  32. 蒋嶷川,多Agent群体行为中的扩散趋同综述,模式识别与人工智能,Vol22, No6,pp877-883,2009(EI number: 20100512678350)
  33. 徐媛,蒋嶷川,周伟,孟海战,基于几何分析的无线传感器网络的冗余覆盖优化模型,第三届中国传感器网络学术会议(推荐到计算机科学专刊发表)
  34. 孟海战,周伟,徐媛,蒋嶷川,一种基于执行代价和传输代价的多Agent系统任务分配的优化方法,中国科技论文在线编号:200911-710
  35. 蒋嶷川,多Agent群体行为中的扩散同步综述,中国科技论文在线编号:200902-990
  36. 姚志鹏,蒋嶷川,基于人格理论的情感agent模型研究及应用,微计算机信息,Vol25,No7-2,pp194-196,2009
  37. 蒋嶷川,钟亦平,张世永,Agent联盟通信机制的动态构造及Mobile Ambient验证分析,模式识别与人工智能,Vol18No3pp291-296,2005EI number: EIP05299226528
  38. 蒋嶷川,钟亦平,张世永,一种基于完整性检测的Agent迁移容错模型,模式识别与人工智能,Vol17No3pp267-274,2004(EI number: EIP 04488688925)
  39. 蒋嶷川,钟亦平,张世永,基于蚁群算法实现入侵检测对动态网络拓扑的适应性,小型微型计算机系统,Vol26,No7,pp167-1173,2005
  40. 夏正友,蒋嶷川,钟亦平,张世永,需求装载代码协议的安全缺陷分析,软件学报,Vo16,No06,pp1175-1181,2005EI Number: EIP 05299225392
  41. 易平,蒋嶷川,钟亦平,张世永,移动ad hoc网络安全综述电子学报,Vol33,No5,pp20-26,20055EI Number: EIP 05319277769
  42. 易平,蒋嶷川,钟亦平,张世永,移动Ad hoc网络路由协议安全研究计算机科学,Vol32No6,pp37-64,20055
  43. 撖书良蒋嶷川张世永,基于神经网络的高效智能入侵检测系统,计算机工程,Vol30,No1,pp69-70,2004
  44. 蒋嶷川,田盛丰,入侵检测中对系统日志审计信息进行数据挖掘的研究,计算机工程,Vol28,No1,pp159-161,2002


  1. 蒋嶷川,徐媛,周伟,黄志川,孟海战,动态交互网络环境下网构软件主体系统信任协商构建方法,发明专利,(申请号:2009102324907,公开号:CN101714100A
  2. 蒋嶷川,徐媛,周伟,黄志川,结构化网构软件系统中任务执行的资源缓存方法,发明专利,(申请号:2009102632895,公开号:CN101719083A
  3. 蒋嶷川,李兆峰,网络结构化复杂系统中位置敏感任务分配方法,发明专利(申请号:2010101009363,公开号:CN101783767A
  4. 蒋嶷川,周伟,黄志川,徐媛,动态结构情境化的复杂系统仿真平台(ComDysc),软件著作权(登记号:2010SR007629
  5. 胡静,蒋嶷川,一种基于网络的交互式虚拟戏剧平台的设计方法,发明专利(申请号:201100578427