
游宏,中共党员。博士学位,现任苏州大学教授,博士生导师。1992年获国务院政府津贴,1995年评为黑龙江省有突出贡献的中青年专家,2006 获国家级教学名师奖。编著2部(代数学),主编教材2部。在国内外学术期刊发表论文110余篇,其中被SCI收录50余篇。




1995 博士,吉林大学

1981 硕士,东北师范大学

1976 学士,哈尔滨师范大学


  1. Hong You, Subgroups of classical groups normalized by relative elementary subgroups, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 216(2012), 1040-1051
  2. Hong You, Shengkui Ye, KU\1 of localizations, J. Algebra, 323(2010), 2398-2407
  3. Qingxia Zhou, Hong YouThe augmentation quotionts of groups of order 2^5 (), Commun. in Algebra, 37(2009), 2956-2977
  4. Hong You, Shengkui Ye, Prestability for quadratic K\1 of Λ-1-ford stable rings, J. Algebra, 319(2008), 2072-2081
  5. Hong You, Overgroups of classical group in linear group over Banach algebra, J.Algebra, 304(2006), 1004-1013
  6. Hong You, Overgroups of classical groups in linear groups over commutative rings, Science in China, A, 49(2006), 626-638
  7. Hong You, Overgroups of symplectic groups in linear group over commutative rings, J.Algebra, 282 (2004) 23-32
  8. Hong You, Sheng Chen, The tame kernel of quadratic imaginary fields with class number 2 or 3, Mathematics of Computations(AMS), 74. 243(2003) 1501-1509
  9. You Hong, Sheng Chen, Subrings in quadratic fields wich are not universal for GE2, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford), 54. 2(2003) 133-141
  10. Sheng Chen, Hong You, Subrings in imaginary quadratic fields wich are not universal for GE2, Acta Arithmetica, 107. 3(2003), 299-305