




201112月至201212 博士后,以色列农业研究组织土壤、水与环境科学研究院

20019月至20076月   硕士、博士,中国农业大学资源与环境学院
19979月至20016月   学士,中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院


20131月至今 副教授、硕士生导师、博士生导师、院长助理,中国农业大学资环学院
201012月至今 副系主任,中国农业大学资环学院
201212   讲师,中国农业大学资环学院


  1. 石建初,左强;不同灌溉处理条件下苗期冬小麦土柱中的硝态氮运移模拟,灌溉排水学报,2009,285):1-6(核心期刊)
  2. 尚伟,石建初,左强;灌溉水矿化度及盐分带入量对小麦相对产量影响的统计分析,灌溉排水学报,2009,285):41-44(核心期刊)
  3. 朱向明,左强,石建初;反求根系吸磷速率方法的检验及其在苗期冬小麦土柱实验中的应用,土壤学报,2009,475):913-922(核心期刊)
  4. 王利春,石建初,左强,朱向明;盐分胁迫条件下冬小麦根系吸水的构建与验证,农业工程学报,2011,271):112-117EI收录)
  5. 石建初,王数,左强;基于根氮质量密度分布模拟土壤-冬小麦系统中的水分运移,南京大学学报(自然科学版),2011,473):308-317(核心期刊)
  6. 李显溦,石建初,左强;新疆棉花膜下滴灌技术存在的问题及改进措施—双层可降解膜覆盖与地下滴灌技术结合应用探讨,农业工程,2012,210):29-35(核心期刊)
  7. 石建初,左强;冬小麦根系水分吸收与土壤水分动态模拟,见康绍忠,杨金忠,裴源生等(著)海河流域农田水循环过程与农业高效用水机制,科学出版社,北京,2013,15-36
  8. Zuo Q, Shi J, Li Y, Zhang R (2006) Root length density and water uptake distributions of winter wheat under sub-irrigation, Plant and Soil, 285: 45-55 (SCI收录)
  9. Shi J, Zuo Q, Zhang R (2007) An inverse method to estimate the source-sink term in the nitrate transport equation, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71: 26-34 (SCI收录)
  10. Shi J, Zuo Q (2009) Root water uptake and root nitrogen mass of winter wheat and their simulations. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73: 1764-1774 (SCI收录)
  11. Wang C, Zuo Q, Shi J (2009) Spatial and temporal characteristics of soil moisture at field scale in an arid region of Northwest China, IEEE Computer Society, 5129-5133 (SCI收录)
  12. Zhu X, Zuo Q, Shi J (2010) Analyzing soil soluble phosphorus transport with root-phosphorus-uptake applying an inverse method, Agricultural Water Management, 97: 291-299 (SCI收录)
  13. Wang L, Shi J, Zuo Q, Zheng W, Zhu X (2012) Optimizing parameters of salinity stress reduction function using the relationship between root-water-uptake and root nitrogen mass of winter wheat, Agricultural Water Management, 104: 142-152 (SCI收录)
  14. Shi J, Ben-Gal A, Yermiyahu U, Wang L, Zuo Q (2013) Characterizing root nitrogen uptake of wheat to simulate soil nitrogen dynamics, Plant and Soil 363: 139-155 (SCI收录)
  15. Zuo Q, Zhang R, Shi J (2013) Characterization of the Root Length Density Distribution of Wheat Using a Generalized Function. In Timlin D and Ahuja L R (Eds) Enhancing Understanding and Quantification of Soil-Root Growth Interactions. American Society of Agronomy Publisher, 93-117