




19969月至199910月 博士,新加坡南洋理工大学





20002月至200310月 研发部工程师,新加坡电力公司

199812月至20002月 工程部工程师,新加坡EPCOS公司



  1. Guo-Jie Li, Si-Ye Ruan, Boon-Teck Ooi, et al. Autonomous AC Grid Based on Multi-infeed Voltage Source Converter Stations. Electric Power Components & Systems; Mar 2010, 38(5), pp558-574
  2. Ye Yuan, Guojie Li, Lin Cheng, et al. A phase compensator for SVC upplementary control to eliminate time delay by wide area signal input. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 32(3), 2010, pp163–169
  3. Zhong Wang , Guo-Jie Li, et al.“Effect of Erroneous Position Measurements in Vector-Controlled Doubly-fed Induction Generator”. IEEE Trans. On Energy Conversion, Vol.25, no.1, March 2010, pp59-69
  4. Z. Wang, Y.Sun, G.Li, et al. “Magnitude and frequency control of grid-connected doubly fed induction generator based on synchronised model for wind power generation”, IET Renew.Power Gener., Vol.4, Iss.3 , 2010, pp232–241
  5. Y. Z. Sun, Ling Peng, Feng Ma, G. J. Li, et al, “Design a Fuzzy Controller to Minimize the Effect of HVDC Commutation Failure on Power System”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, 23(1), FEB. 2008:100-107
  6. Ruan, S.-Y. Li, G.-J. Ooi, B.-T. Sun, Y.-Z.“Power system damping from real and reactive power modulations of voltage-source-converter station”, Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET , 2008, 2(3): 311–320
  7. Si-Ye Ruan, Guo-Jie Li, Boon-Teck Ooi, Yuan-Zhang Sun. Power system damping from energy function analysis implemented by voltage-source-converter stations Electric Power Systems Research, 78( 8), August 2008, Pages 1353-1360
  8. G.J. Li, X.P. Zhang, S.S. Choi, T.T. Lie and Y.Z. Sun, “Control strategy for dynamic voltage restorers to achieve minimum power injection without introducing sudden phase shift, IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2007, 1, (5), pp. 847–853
  9. SUN Yuanzhang, LIN Jin, LI Guojie.“A Survey on the Grid Integration of Wind Farms with Variable Speed Wind Plant Systems”. 电力系统自动化, (英文).Vol. 34, No. 3, Feb. 10, 2010, pp75-80
  10. 林今,孙元章,李国杰,等,“采用变速恒频机组的风电场有功功率波动对系统节点频率影响的动态评估模型”,电力自动化设备,302),Feb2010pp14-19
  11. 王建东,李国杰等,“海上风电场内部电气系统合闸过电压仿真分析”,电力系统自动化,Jan 201034(2):104-107
  12. 王建东,李国杰,“考虑电缆故障时海上风电场电气系统开关配置方案的经济性比较与分析“,电网技术,201034(2):125-128
  13. 李国杰,阮思烨,“应用于并网风电场的有源型电压源直流输电系统控制策略”,电网技术,33(1)2009:52-55
  14. 阮思烨,李国杰,孙元章,“多端电压源型直流输电系统的控制策略研究”,电力系统自动化,33(12)2009:57-61
  15. 王建东,李国杰,“海上风电场内部电气系统布局经济性对比”,电力系统自动化,33(11)2009:99-103
  16. 李国杰,马锋,“PSSVSC-HVDC附加阻尼控制器参数协调优化设计”,电网技术,33(11)2009:3943
  17. 马锋,李国杰,阮思烨,孙元章,“基于线性变参数方法的VSC-HVDC变增益附加阻尼控制器设计”,电网技术,33(2)2009:7377
  18. 林今,李国杰,孙元章,等,“双馈风电机组的小信号分析及其控制系统的参数优化”,电力系统自动化,33(5)2009:90-95
  19. 孙元章,吴俊,李国杰,等,“基于风速预测和随机规划的含风电场电力系统动态经济调度”,中国电机工程学报,29(4)20094147EI:20090811917746
  20. 王中,孙元章,李国杰,等,“双馈风力发电矢量控制电流环参数特性分析”,电力系统自动化,32(21)2008:91-96