Aesthetic Appreciation of the Abstract Degree of the Picture to the Influence of the Creative Thinking
摘要: 研究是为了探索艺术审美中欣赏图画的抽象度对创造性思维的影响。大学生在观看抽象或写实派图画后,完成创造性任务(图形想象问题、顿悟问题、艺术创作问题)。结果发现:1) 艺术审美中欣赏图画的抽象度能够提高发散思维测验的灵活性和创新性2) 艺术审美中欣赏图画的抽象度并未有效提高顿悟问题解决能力3) 艺术审美中欣赏图画的抽象度能够有效提高创造性想象测试的创造程度。
Abstract: This research is to explore the influence of the aesthetic appreciation of the abstract degree of the picture to creative thinking. College students were asked to complete a creative task (graphics imagination, insight, art creation) after watching abstract or realistic picture. The results showed that: 1) Aesthetic appreciation of the abstract degree of the picture can improve the divergent thinking test’s agility and innovation; 2) Aesthetic appreciation of the abstract degree of the pictures did not improve the insight of the problem solving ability; 3) Aesthetic appreciation of the abstract degree of the picture can effectively improve the creative imagination test’s creation level.
文章引用:王翠翠, 周杰, 李倩, 曹贵康 (2013). 艺术审美中欣赏图画的抽象度对创造性思维的影响. 心理学进展, 3(3), 130-135. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.33021


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