Nursing Care Analysis of Primary Hepatic Carcinoma Patient with Hepatapostema after Argon-Helium Cryoablation
摘要: 氩氦冷冻消融术后并发肝脓肿的几率很小低于0.05%,一旦发生不但延长住院时间,还将严重影响患者预后。因此分析原发性肝癌患者氩氦冷冻消融术后发生肝脓肿的危险因素,针对原因采取相应的临床护理干预措施对于减少此类并发症的发生率、改善预后、促进病情恢复有重要意义。肝癌临床分期晚、营养状态差、以及胆道梗阻是氩氦冷冻消融术后并发肝脓肿的易感因素;对这些危险因素进行针对性的观察和护理将有助于改善患者预后。
Abstract: Objective: Hepatapostema is a serious and rare complication which less than 5 % occurred after cryosurgery. It results in the extending hospital stay, extra costing and poor outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients. Analyzing factors that caused for hepatapostema, and making targeted nursing interventional measure, it will be helpful to cut the occurrence rate and improve prognostic of HCC patients. The agedness, advanced HCC stage, poor nourish- ment state, and biliary obstruction are the high-risk factors for hepatapostema post cryosurgery. Observing intensely and nursing works focus on these factors will contribute to get better outcome of HCC patients.
文章引用:李因茵, 安林静, 翟晓静, 庞建芝, 路营. 一例原发性肝癌氩氦冷冻消融术后并发肝脓肿的护理[J]. 护理学, 2013, 2(3): 28-30. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/NS.2013.23007


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