A Meta-Study on the Relationships between Organiza-tional Behavior of Elementary Schools and Students’ Learning Performance nearly a Decade Year in Taiwan


Abstract: Based on the research topic of “elementary schools’ effectiveness” in the electronic database of theses and dissertations nearly a decade year, the purpose of the study was to analyze the thesis with “student learning” subscale in school effectiveness, and also the relationships between student learning and other variables. Total 408 articles related to school effectiveness were found in the electronic theses and dissertations system, and among of the time which was from the academic year 2001 to 2010, the study objects of 200 articles were the elementary schools. Finding from those articles were analyzed as below: school organizational behavior related to students’ learning may classify to 4 fields including: principal leadership; organizational management; teacher performance, and parent/community. There were 176 articles of the thesis and dissertations showing the positive relationships between organizational behavior and “student learning” subscale in school effectiveness.

文章引用:郑彩凤. 台湾近十年小学组织行为与学生学习表现关系之后设研究[J]. 教育进展, 2013, 3(3): 73-79.


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