Let Professional Degrees Graduate Education for Oil and Gas Engineering Become the Cradle for the Birth and Growth of Petroleum Engineers


Abstract: In this paper, through analyzing the engineering and technical personnel needs of petroleum enter- prise, four types of professional and technical personnel of petroleum enterprises are in urgent need, consid- ering the training status of the fulltime postgraduates with professional degree. By analyzing the training tar- get of engineering and technical personnel in petroleum enterprises for petroleum colleges and universities, qualities of petroleum engineers are studied. Those professional degrees graduate education for oil and gas engineering become the cradle for the birth and the growth of petroleum engineers is specified; and that the oil companies demand for other types of talent should be cultivated by other types of students. Postgraduate education programs of oil and gas engineering are studied out based on the above-mentioned contents. Four major training modes of petroleum engineering are explored. Through exploration and summary of pro- fessional degrees graduate trainings for oil and gas engineering, desirable experiences of different types of postgraduate training and different social demand for talent can be obtained.

文章引用:刘志斌, 刘清友. 让石油与天然气工程领域专业学位研究生培养成为石油工程师成长的摇篮[J]. 教育进展, 2013, 3(4): 91-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2013.34017


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