Research on Construction of Evaluation Index System about the “Two-Oriented” Enterprise in Renewable Resource Enterprises
摘要: 根据企业可持续发展的要求方面,结合两型企业的内涵、特征,对两型企业评价指标体系构建展开了探索性研究。依托再生资源企业的特殊案例,采用分析法、频度统计法及专家咨询法,从经济效益评价、生态效益评价和社会效益评价3个方面构建了一套较科学、较实用的再生资源企业的两型企业评价指标体系,为该类企业的可持续发展提供参考。
Abstract: According to the requirement of the sustainable development of the enterprise and the connotation and characteristics at the “two-oriented” enterprise, it has carried out an exploratory research of the “two-oriented” enterprise. Relying the special case on renewable resource enterprises, a set of more scientific and more practical evaluation index system about the “two-oriented” enterprise in renewable resource enterprises has been established which are evaluations about the economic benefits, ecological benefits and society benefits by means of analysis, frequency statistics method and expert consulting method. It can provide a reference for this enterprise’s sustainable development.
文章引用:张青青, 陈伟亚. 再生资源企业的“两型”企业评价指标体系构建[J]. 可持续发展, 2013, 3(4): 95-100. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/sd.2013.34017


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