Grey Correlation Analysis of the Development of Tourism Industry———Taking Heilongjiang Province as an Example
摘要: 旅游产业被誉为21世纪的朝阳产业,是现代服务业的龙头产业。旅游产业的发展涉及到旅行、游览、住宿、饮食、购物、娱乐等6个环节,要找到发展的重点才能更好的促进旅游产业的进步。本文运用灰色关联分析方法,以黑龙江省为例,充分结合2002~2011年的数据,研究旅行社、旅游饭店、旅游交通对于旅游产业的关联性。研究表明:旅游饭店与旅游产业的关联性最强,其次是旅游社,旅游交通的关联性最弱。因此应该重点发展旅游饭店,然后提高旅游社的发展,最后是对旅游交通进行投资,期望通过本文的研究对黑龙江旅游产业发展提供借鉴。
Abstract: Tourism industry is known as the 21st century sunrise industry, and is the leading industry of modern service industry. The development of the tourism industry involves six aspects: travel, tour, accommodation, food, shopping, entertainment and so on, and we need to find the focus of the development to better promote the progress of the tourism industry. Taking Heilongjiang province as an example, and combining with the data of 2002-2011, the relevance of travel agencies, tourist hotel, tourism traffic and tourism industry is researched. The result shows: the tourist hotel and tourism industry’s relevance is the strongest, then the travel agency, and tour transport is the weakest. So we should focus on the development of tourist hotel, then improve the development of travel agency, and finally invest in tourism traffic. We hope this study could provide reference for the development of tourism industry in Heilongjiang.
文章引用:杨春梅. 旅游产业发展的灰色关联分析——以黑龙江省为例[J]. 商业全球化, 2013, 1(2): 25-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BGlo.2013.12005


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