Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Water Resources Management in Taiwan
摘要: 人工智能俨然为现今热门科技研究项目及发展迅速的应用技术,能处理大量的水文信息,具有从输入的环境讯息中获取并累积经验、储存知识,进而能像人具有智慧的作出判断及推论的智能型演算程序。将人工智能应用于水资源经营管理,在台湾地区有许多成功的案例,本文旨在介绍吾等以人工智能相关理论于解决台湾地区各式水资源经营管理议题及开发水文信息系统的案例与经验。期望未来能有更多的同好参与持续整合水文水资源、生态环境及资讯工程等领域之科技,并开发更先进好用的人工智能相关理论技术于水文水资源系统,维护永续发展之生态环境,创造人工智能用于水资源经营管理的新世纪。
Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a state-of-the-art technology and has nowadays become highly popular in scientific and technological fields. AI possesses great capability in handling mass information and formulating intelligent algorithms with human-like logical inference through learning messages and storing knowledge from input information. AI has been applied with great success to water resources management in Taiwan. This study aims to systematically present the development and achievements of AI techniques on integrated water sources management and hydro-informatics with respect to diversified domains including hydrology, engineering, environment, eco-hydrology and hydro-meteorology in Taiwan. The continual integration of AI techniques (neural networks, fuzzy inference, genetic algorithms) with domain-driven technologies from hydrological, water resources, eco-environmental and informatics engineering fields will be our future mission, which is dedicated to the development of advanced intelligent techniques on hydro-related systems/ platforms. The creation of a new era on water resources management and sustainable eco-environment with AI is an everlasting goal for us all to pursue.
文章引用:张斐章. 台湾地区智能型水资源综合经营管理[J]. 水资源研究, 2013, 2(5): 316-322.


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