The Effect of “The Tonifying Secret Recipe of Taoists” on Non-Specific Immune Function in Mice
摘要: 目的:探讨“道家补益禁方对小鼠非特异性免疫功能的影响,为其开发利用奠定基础。方法采用MTT法、溶血分光光度法、改良Mayer法及抗体芯片法检测小鼠非特异性免疫功能及细胞因子含量。结果应用道家补益禁方小鼠的NK细胞杀伤力、CH50活性均增加;IL 2含量显著提高IL 8分泌减少。结论道家补益禁方能提高小鼠的非特异性免疫应答水平,调节细胞因子分泌,可以有效地增强机体非特异性免疫功能。 Objective: To explore the effect of “The tonifying secret recipe of Taoists” on non-specific immune function in mice, to establish the foundation for its development and utilization. Methods: To assay the immunity function and cytokine of mice with MTT, hemolysis spectrophotometric method, improved Mayer method and ELISA method. Results: “The tonifying secret recipe of Taoists” improved activity of NK and the total complement activity in serum, while increasing content of IL 2 and reduced that of IL 8. Conclusion: “The tonifying secret recipe of Taoists” could reinforce non-specific immune response, accommodate lymphocyte to secrete cytokine and enhance the body’s non-specific immune function effectively.
文章引用:宗庆芸, 胜利, 何江涛. “道家补益禁方”对小鼠非特异性免疫功能的影响[J]. 免疫学研究, 2013, 1(3): 11-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/IS.2013.13003


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