How to Identify the Three Time Points (Period) of Prior Consideration, Investment Decision and Start Date of CDM Project——Study and Consideration on the Reasons for Registration of China CDM Project to be Rejected and Withdrawn by Climate Change Executive Board of United Nations (5)
摘要: 该文提出了EB理事会53次会议前中国CDM项目遭拒绝和撤消的重要原因之一,是DOE和项目参与者在考虑、决定和实施CDM的时间点()和提供相关证明以及表述和论证方面出现了问题。并以其咨询的中国某水电项目等为例,列举了DOE在审核过程中出现的种种问题,研究并指出问题产生的一般性原因和涉及EB制度建设与执行以及DOE利益机制方面的深层次因素,提出了对这些问题的正确识别和处理的方法和依据,并将其归纳为“两点一段”。最后建议中国DNA对涉及这些问题项目采取相应的调查行动,并将调查结果报告EB执行理事会;同时还对本文相关的难点问题进行了深入的探讨,提出相关意见和建议。
Abstract: This treatise points out that, before EB53 meeting, one of the fundamental reasons for registration of CDM project in China to be rejected and withdrawn by EB is the problem appearing in terms of the three points (period) of prior consideration, investment decision and start date understood and stated by DOE as well as relevant documents provided by pp. It takes a consulted hydropower plant in China as an example, lists various mistakes done by DOE in its validation process, studies and points out the common reasons for those mistakes and causes in depth related to construction of regulations for EB and implementation of it as well as conflict of interest for DOE, puts forward the methods and evidences to deal with these problems correctly, and sums up them as “two time points and one time period”. In the end, it recommends that China DNA should take an investment action on the projects involved in these problems and report to EB. Meanwhile it takes a further discussion on key points to this thesis and proposes views and relevant recommendations.
文章引用:李肇经. 关于CDM项目考虑、决定和实施三个时间点(段)的识别——对联合国EB理事会拒绝和撤消中国CDM项目注册原因的研究和思考(5)[J]. 可持续能源, 2013, 3(6): 95-105. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SE.2013.36016


[1] 清洁发展机制执行理事会第四十一次会议情况简报, 2008-08-07. http://cdm.ccchina.gov.cn/WebSite/CDM/UpFile/File1887.pdf. (EB相关决议及CDM项目注册案例等,如本文后面列举案例2030,银行和专家的评估文件所参照和依据的基础性文件资料)
[2] 项目2030: 木克吉水电项目. Project 2030: Fugong Mukeji Hydropower Project. http://cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/DB/DNV-CUK1218258763.29/view.
[3] 李肇经 (2010) 对联合国EB理事会拒绝和撤消中国CDM 项目注册原因的研究和思考——关于有效电量问题的研究.中外能源, 15, 16-22。
[4] 郭晓莉, 编著 (2011) 中外会计准则比较与国际化研究. 中国农业科学技术出版社, 北京.
[5] 北京文户经济咨询中心 (2012) 针对联合国EB 委员会第65次会议公开征求“建立信息质量标准化基准线指南(草案)”意见的建议 http://cdm.unfccc.int/public_inputs/2011/EB65/03/cfi/YNJCUZNU96Q3J7HD84M02O895LL71C
[6] 清洁发展机制核实核证手册(01.2版) Clean Development Mechanism Validation and Verification Manual (version 01.2) http://cdm.unfccc.int/UserManagement/FileStorage/18Y54N6CWUV2LOESXQP3RMBAID9FHK
[7] 北京文户经济咨询中心 (2010) 根据联合国气候变化委员会东道国大会(CMP)的要求, 2010年3月EB 53次会议发布了对CDM项目相关的上诉程序文件公开征求利益相关者意见的公告,发表了相关意见, 预计该文件的批准和实施尚待2011年的南非德班会议后. http://cdm.unfccc.int/public_inputs/2010/cmp5_para42_43/index.html
[8] 北京文户经济咨询中心 (2010) 对2010年12月EB 58次会议发布的对投资分析评估指南草案文件征求利益相关者意见时,提供了本文的“三个时间点(段)”的分析部分,并提出对“投资决定”等问题进行澄清和修改的建议 http://cdm.unfccc.int/public_inputs/2010/guid_inv/cfi/YW06LN5144ILD4JL48566JCD4I6QGO
[9] 附件46—事先考虑CDM项目的证明和评估指南(01版) Annex 46—Guidance on the demonstration and assessment of prior consideration of the CDM (version 01), 2008-08-02. http://cdm.unfccc.int/EB/041/eb41_repan46.pdf.
[10] 附件45—投资分析评估指南(02版) Annex 45-Guidance on the assessment of investment analysis (version 02), 2008-08-02. http://cdm.unfccc.int/EB/041/eb41_repan45.pdf. (该文件已经EB 51次会议附件58(03版)更新)
[11] 清洁发展机制执行理事会第38次会议报告 Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism Thirty- Eighth Meeting Report. 2008-03-14. http://cdm.unfccc.int/EB/038/eb38rep.pdf.
[12] 清洁发展机制执行理事会第41次会议报告 Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism Forty- One Meeting Report, 2008-03-14. http://cdm.unfccc.int/EB/041/eb41rep.pdf.