An Analysis of the Disintegration of the Soviet Union from the Perspective of the Self-Assertiveness Demands
摘要: 苏联解体是二十世纪人类最为重大的历史事件之一,东西方的学者对此提出过各种不同的解释。本文以自我肯定需求作为基本理论,分析了苏联在不同时期的发展情况,提出正是因为共同的自我肯定需求导致了斯大林模式在苏联初期的成功,也正是因为后期不同层面上的认知膜差异带来的自我肯定需求矛盾,造成了计划经济体制乃至整个苏联模式的失败。本文证明了构建共同的认知主体的重要性,以及满足各个认知主体的自我肯定需求对于国家经济制度建设的重要性,并在此基础上给出了对中国当前改革方向的建议。
Abstract: The disintegration of the Soviet Union is a tremendous historical event in the 20th century. A new perspective of the event is presented in this article based on the Self-Assertiveness Demands theory. The suc- cess of the USSR in the Stalin era and the failure in the Reform era are essentially determined by the flour- ishing and withering cognitive membrane of the USSR as a cognitive subject, respectively. The importance of a strong cognitive membrane, and the importance of satisfying the Self-Assertiveness Demand of different cognitive subjects, and their implications in current Chinese reform are also presented.
文章引用:耿嘉伟, 蔡恒进. 自我肯定需求理论视角下的苏联解体原因分析[J]. 财富涌现与流转, 2013, 3(4): 47-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ETW.2013.34008


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