Research on Correlation between Doomsday Psychology of College Students and Personality Traits
摘要: 为了考察世界末日心理与人格特质的关系,采用世界末日心理调查问卷和艾森克人格问卷简式中国版,对393名大学生被试进行调查,结果表明:1) 世界末日心理在不同专业和有无宗教信仰上存在显著差异,其中,不同专业学生在“生活态度、应对方式”上存在显著差异;宗教信仰的有无在“世界末日相信程度”和“情绪反应”上有极其显著的差异。2) 世界末日心理和人格特质存在显著的相关关系,具体来说,精神质P与“相信世界末日程度”呈显著正相关,与“情绪反应”和“生活态度及应对方式”呈显著负相关;外倾性E与“世界末日相信程度”呈显著负相关;神经质N在“情绪反应”上呈显著负相关。

To study the correlation between doomsday psychology and personality, we used the Doomsday Psychology Questionnaire and Eysenck Personality Quetionnaire, surveyed 393 college students, and concluded: 1) There is a significant difference between students in different majors and students have no religious believes in the doomsday psychology. Therein, the result of students in different majors shows significant deference in “attitude of life” and “coping style”; the result of whether students have religious believes shows significant differences in “intensity of doomsday” and “emotional reactions”. 2) Doomsday psychology and personality traits are significantly correlated, in detail: Neuroticism P is positive correlated with “intensity of belief in the doomsday”, negative correlated with “emotional reactions” and “attitude of life” and “coping style”; Extroversion E is negative correlated with “intensity of belief in the doomsday”; Neuroticism N is negative correlated with “emotional reactions”.

文章引用:郝春东, 殷萌. 大学生世界末日心理与人格特质相关研究[J]. 心理学进展, 2014, 4(2): 279-283. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.42040


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