Philosophical Thinking on Climate Changing Crisis and Intergenerational Justice
摘要: 为了解决国际气候争端问题,欧美等主要发达国家在其倡导的气候论坛及峰会上主张采用国际限额与交易制度。一方面,国际限额与交易制度难以全面评估和衡量不同国家碳的排放量及其减少排放的能力,正处于现代化进程中的中国据此将需要购买排放权,而代际正义有利于还原碳排放指标分配的公允。另一方面,在代际正义理论的背后,却存在明显的片面性,因为它忽略了现代科技不断进步的可能和社会价值意识水平的提高,其理论仅停留在平面维度上的思考。当前,发展中国家和发达国家应在差异中趋于协同,在看似矛盾冲突的气候谈判与整治格局中逐渐走出僵局。
Abstract: Previously, in order to make international climate controversies defused, most advanced countries claimed carbon emission limitation and trading system should be taken at most international mainstream climate change summits. However, international carbon emission limitation and trading system can’t scientifically evaluate carbon emission demands and controlling abilities of different countries. And most developing countries, including China, will have to spend millions of money to purchase the authority of carbon emission. In this case, intergenerational justice theory seems to be a good way to endure fairness to the distribution of carbon emission rights. But there still exists some one-sidedness on intergenerational justice, for intergenerational justice neglects the improvements of modern technology and social awareness. And some parts of the intergene- rational justice theory still remain at plane-dimension thinking. At present, developing countries and developed countries should make improvements based on the common value, and despite mutual differences and contradictions, we can step out the impasse of global climate negotiation and governance.
文章引用:张宇, 刘国章. 对气候变化危机及代际正义问题的哲学思考[J]. 哲学进展, 2014, 3(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACPP.2014.31001


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