An Overview of the History of Student Developmental Guidance (1900-2010)
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.43054, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 2,778  浏览: 11,129 
作者: 倪 竞:香港中文大学教育学院,香港;金 檀:东北大学外国语学院,沈阳;王 红:华南师范大学基础教育培训与研究院,广州
关键词: 学生发展指导内容方式人员Student Development Guidance Content Methods Personnel
摘要: 通过关键词搜索、引用率搜索和综述搜索三种搜索方法,本文共搜集447篇文献,提炼了学生发展指导的三个历史发展阶段。学生指导的兴起阶段,以职业指导为内容,指导方式原始,指导人员以非专业人士为主,指导理念是非发展性的。学生指导的扩展阶段,指导内容上逐步添加了心理指导、生活指导等多种内容,指导方式上采用专业的模式和工具,指导人员依赖专业人士,指导理念转变为发展性指导;学生指导的整合阶段,有两种整合方式,即包含不同的指导内容、方式和人员的全面性指导和以生涯发展指导为主的学生指导。以这三阶段为基础,作者建议我国建立学生发展指导制度时,要添加全面的指导内容,要使用专业的指导方式,要培养专业的指导人员,并要注重发展性的指导
Abstract: Using keyword searching, citation rate searching and review searching, this article collected 447 papers about student guidance and found three historical phases. In the beginning phase, the vocation guidance was a central part of guidance, and the non-professional personnel used primitive methods to guide students in a non-developmental way. In the expansion phase, psychological guidance and life guidance came into guidance area, and professional guiders used models and tests to aid guidance in a developmental way. In the integration phase, there are two integration methods: one is the comprehensive model which contained different contents, methods and personnel, and the other is the career model based on career guidance. According to these historical phases, we suggested that we should provide comprehensive guidance contents, professional guidance methods and personnel in a developmental way when considering the establishment of guidance system in China.
文章引用:倪竞, 金檀, 王红 (2014). 学生发展指导的历史演变(1900~2010). 心理学进展, 4(3), 384-392. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.43054


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