The Influence of Cartoon Violent Image and Live-Action Violent Image on Children’s Aggression—A Comparative Study
摘要: 本实验考察了视频中的动画暴力形象和真人暴力形象对儿童外显和内隐攻击性的影响。以被试在行为实验中所加辣椒酱的分量来考察其外显攻击性,采用内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test,简称IAT)考察内隐攻击性。对79个有效数据(其中动画视频组26个,真人视频组28个,控制组25)进行统计分析,研究结果表明:1) 动画视频导致被试的外显攻击性显著增加,而真人视频则未导致被试的外显攻击性增加;2) 动画与真人视频都未导致被试的内隐攻击性显著增加
Abstract: This study examined the effects of the violent images of cartoon and live-action on children’s explicit and implicit aggression. The quantity of hot pepper sauce that participants added in the behavioural experiments is used to measure children’s explicit aggression. The Implicit Association Test (IAT) paradigm was used to measure their implicit aggression. 79 valid data (including 26 subjects in cartoon video group, 28 subjects in live-action video group, 25 subjects in control group) were analyzed. The results showed that: 1) the animation video led to significant increase of explicit aggression, while the live-action video did not; 2) neither animation nor live-action video led to the significant increase of participants' implicit aggression.
文章引用:宁红, 邱亚伟, 王亚琴 (2014). 动画与真人暴力形象对儿童攻击性影响的比较研究. 心理学进展, 4(3), 425-431. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.43059


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