The Influence of the Victim’s Innocence and the Group Category on the Threat to the Belief in a Just World
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.43067, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,567  浏览: 9,419 
作者: 景卫丽:河南大学心理与行为研究所,开封
关键词: 受害者无辜群体类型公正世界信念威胁Victim’s Innocence Group Category The Belief in a Just World Threat
摘要: 以某校40名大学生为被试,通过使用内隐测量的实验范式考察了受害者无辜和群体类型对公正世界信念构成威胁的影响。研究结果表明:1) 内群体的受害者比外群体的受害者对人们的公正世界信念构成威胁的影响更大;2) 当面对无辜受害者时,内群体的受害者比外群体的受害者对人们的公正世界信念构成威胁的影响更大。当面对非无辜受害者时,内、外群体的受害者对人们的公正世界信念构成威胁的影响都不显著。在外群体的情况下,无论受害者是否无辜对人们的公正世界信念构成威胁的影响不显著。
Abstract: With forty Chinese college students as participants, this study was designed based on the experimental paradigm of implicit measures exploring the influence of the victim’s innocence and the group category on the threat to the belief in a just world. The results of the experimental study showed that: 1) an in-group victim threatened people’s BJW more than an out-group victim did; 2) in an innocent victim condition, an in-group victim had more threatens to people’s BJW than that an out-group victim had. However, in a non-innocent victim condition, there was no significant influence on people’s BJW no matter the victim was an in-group member or an out-group member. However, it was not different in the out-group condition no matter people faced an innocent victim or a non-innocent victim.
文章引用:景卫丽 (2014). 受害者无辜和群体类型对公正世界信念构成威胁的影响. 心理学进展, 4(3), 490-495. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.43067


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