Reflection on Transmission and Compensation of Biologic Energy
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2014.43011, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,601  浏览: 7,417 
作者: 陈冠文, 余 渝:新疆农垦科学院棉花所,石河子市
关键词: 生物能量转化能量传递能量互补能级
Transformation Transmission Cross-Compensation Energy Level
摘要: 本文通过若干生物学现象,对“生物能量传递、补偿”等问题得出如下认识:(1) 生物在进行某一器官分化前,需要某种特定能级的能量去启动特定的基因。(2) 所有生物在完成每个生育阶段时,都需要多种能量,且要求每种能量的数量都有一个临界值;在临界值以上,各种能量可以相互转化和补偿,但这些能量之和是一定的。(3) 能量在生物体内可以直接传递,但以间接传递为主要方式。
Abstract: This paper, through some biological phenomena, comes to a conclusion on the issue of “biologic energy transfer, compensation”: (1) In a biological organ differentiation, a certain level of energy to activate specific genes was required. (2) At the end of each growth stage of all organisms, many kinds of energy were needed, and the number of each type of energy has a critical value; above the critical value, all kinds of energy can be transformed into and compensated each other, but the sum of the energy is certain. (3) Transmission of biologic energy included direct and indirect transmissions, but the indirect transmission was the main way.
文章引用:陈冠文, 余渝. 关于生物能量传递、补偿等几个问题的思考[J]. 农业科学, 2014, 4(3): 66-71. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2014.43011


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