The Technological Actuality of Human Aerospace Principle and the Possible Fact of UFO
DOI: 10.12677/JAST.2014.24007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,901  浏览: 12,514 
作者: 南 英, 闻 新:南京航空航天大学航天学院,南京 ;王思潮:中国科学院紫金山天文台,南京
关键词: 人类特色航天航空科技原理历史总结UFO可能的真相Human Features Aerospace Technological Principle Historical Summary UFO Possible Fact
摘要: 针对航天航空科学技术研究的历史与现状,本文系统总结了航天航空科学技术研究发展的根本原理,认为:人类现代航天航空的核心关键科学技术的根本原理仍然停留在上百万年来所发展的基本技术上的量变,即一直在3维几何空间中采用作用力产生加速运动原理;还没有发生本质的变化,即人类没有回避开飞行运动必须在4维空间(几何长度与时间)中进行,因而全部的飞行受到在4维空间中各种作用力与结构质量等相互关系的约束。根据人类观测到的UFO飞行现象信息,人类现代航天航空的科技原理很难理解UFO,本文猜测UFO可能的飞行原理是多维宇宙空间跨越转变运动,或者是在UFO的新型作用力,并认为UFO为人类航天航空原理以及科学探索全宇宙提供了原始教材与样品。(本文中UFO仅单指来自外星高级智慧生命的飞行器)。
Abstract: In allusion to the history and actuality of aerospace technologies, the hypostases of aerospace tech-nologies were systematically summarized as follows: The core and key hypostasis of aerospace tech-nologies still rest on the quantitative changes of basic technologies which were developed in the recent millions of years, that is, human all along used the principle of action and reaction forces in the 3-Di- mensional geometry space; and there is still no essential evolution, that is, human cannot avoid the 4-Dimensional space (geometry space and time) for the flight motion, and then all the flight motions are restricted by the relationship between all kinds of action forces and structural masses. UFO cannot be comprehended by the modern technological actuality of human aerospace principle. Based on the information of UFO flight phenomena which human observed, this paper guessed that the possible fact of UFO flight principle is the transformation motion among some multidimensional astrospace, or all known forces (including inertial force) acting on UFO are avoided. The UFO provides human with original teaching material and sample for astronautics to scientifically explore the whole universe.
文章引用:南英, 闻新, 王思潮. 人类航天航空的科技原理现状与对UFO的原理猜想[J]. 国际航空航天科学, 2014, 2(4): 53-68. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JAST.2014.24007


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