The Research on the Relationship among Neurotic Personality, Stress and Depressive Symptoms of High School Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.47130, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,639  浏览: 6,939 
作者: 李晓同:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 抑郁症状神经质人格应激高中生Depressive Symptoms Neurotic Personality Stress High School Students
摘要: 目的:1) 了解高中生神经质人格、应激和抑郁症状的特点;2) 探讨高中生神经质人格、应激和抑郁症状的相关关系;3) 对高中生神经质人格、应激和抑郁症状的关系做回归分析,探讨神经质人格和应激对抑郁症状的预测作用。方法:采用统一的指导语,对被试进行问卷调查。第一次采样过程中,所有被试首先填写个人情况调查问卷,然后用NEO-FFI-N、ALEQ-R测量所有被试的神经质人格特质和应激水平,三个月后用CES-D测量所有被试的抑郁症状。结果:1) 神经质人格方面,女性高中生的神经质人格得分显著地高于男性高中生(t = −2.472, p < 0.05),而这一方面在生源地和是否为独生子女上均无显著差异;2) 抑郁症状方面,非独生子女的得分显著高于独生子女(t = −2.335, p < 0.05),而在性别和生源地上无显著差异;3) 神经质人格、应激对抑郁症状有显著的预测作用,但神经质人格和生活应激的交互作用不显著(t = −0.507, p > 0.05)。结论:1) 女生的神经质人格比男生更明显;2) 非独生子女的抑郁症状明显高于独生子女;3) 神经质人格和生活事件可以有效地预测抑郁症状,且神经质人格和生活应激之间并不存在相互作用对抑郁症状产生显著影响。
Abstract: Objective: 1) To understand the characteristics of high school students’ neurotic personality, stress and depressive symptoms; 2) to explore the correlation among high school students’ neurotic personality, stress and depressive symptoms; 3) to do regression analysis for high school students’ neurotic personality, stress and depressive symptoms, and to explore the role of neurotic personality and stress on depressive symptoms. Methods: Using a unified instruction, questionnaire survey was conducted on subjects. In the first sampling process, all of the subjects filled in the questionnaire of personal circumstances, then all the subjects’ neurotic personality and stress levels were measured using NEO-FFI-N and ALEQ-R, and depressive symptoms were measured using CES-D three months later. Results: 1) In the aspect of neurotic personality, the score of female high school students is significantly higher than that of male high school students (t = −2.472, p < 0.05), while there is no significant difference on the places students come from and whether they are the only child; 2) in the aspect of depressive symptoms, the score of students of non-only child is significantly higher than that of the only child (t = −2.335, p < 0.05), while there is no significant difference on genders and the places students come from; 3) neurotic personality and stress have predictive effect on depression symptoms, but the interaction of neurotic personality and life stress is not significant (t = −0.507, p > 0.05). Conclusions: 1) Girls’ neurotic personality is more obvious than boys’; 2) depressive symptoms of non-only child are significantly higher than the only child; 3) neurotic personality and life events can effectively predict depressive symptoms, and there is no interaction between neurotic personality and life stress having significant effect on depressive symptoms.
文章引用:李晓同 (2014). 高中生神经质人格、应激与抑郁症状的相关研究. 心理学进展, 4(7), 1012-1020. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.47130


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