The Motive of Memory Loss in Patrizio Modiano’s Missing Person and Wang Xiaobo’s Wanshou Temple
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2015.31001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,108  浏览: 9,602 
作者: 程 熙:北京语言大学,北京
关键词: 《暗店街》《万寿寺》失忆生存状态Missing Person Wanshou Temple Memory Loss State of Being
摘要: 《暗店街》与《万寿寺》均从“失忆”主题出发,探索人的个体本质与生存状态,具有共同的出发点和目的性;与此同时,两者又因各自不同的文化传统和时代背景,呈现出对个体存在的不同的探索方式和探索结果。《暗店街》和《万寿寺》可以说是对历史伤痕的一种写作,但在这种伤痕写作中,体现出不同的个体生存状态。《暗店街》叙述个人对个体经历的回忆以及个体存在的虚无感,《万寿寺》描写个人对集体记忆的反思以及个人在群体生存中的呻吟。《暗店街》与《万寿寺》以回忆的艺术,唤醒了人们对本体的认识和对生存状态的反思。
Abstract: Both telling stories of memory loss, Missing Person and Wanshou Temple study the state of being and inner characters of individuals for the same purpose; however, the two works take on different study methods and conclusions grounded in different cultural traditions and times. Missing Person and Wanshou Temple can be considered as description of the scars in history, during the process of which, individuals’ state of being is fully presented. Missing Person describes the recall of individual experience and the lacking sense of existence, while Wanshou Temple presents the introspection on memories shared by group from individual perspectives, as well as their sorrows of the life in group. The two works call for recognition on inner characters and provoke introspection on state of being.
文章引用:程熙. 莫迪亚诺《暗店街》与王小波《万寿寺》的失忆母题[J]. 世界文学研究, 2015, 3(1): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2015.31001