Reversing the History Truth and Letting the Next Generation Remember—Discussion of the Documentary Taierzhuang 1938
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2015.32004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,745  浏览: 8,417 
作者: 马业杰:北京师范大学珠海分校艺术与传播学院,广东 珠海
关键词: 史实选题材料拍摄方式受众选择History Evidence Selected Material Capture Style Audience Choice
摘要: 二十世纪中叶的齐鲁大地,儒家的宁静早已不在,此时的齐鲁大地战火纷飞,百姓苦不堪言,让我们深挖中国大陆战场旧地的点点滴滴,直抵台湾核心地区,探访东瀛之地,用以还原蒙在历史表面上的战争内幕,重现中国抗战勇士的铁血豪情;揭晓国仇家恨背后的诸多历史细节,再现中华民族痛击日寇的义薄云天。历史纪录片《台儿庄一九三八》,以深邃悠扬的历史情怀、厚重朴实的民族感情,充分展现了伟大的中华精神,全面呈现抗日战争期间,中华儿女在台儿庄一战中,可歌可泣的浴血奋战。
Abstract: In the middle age of 20 century, the quiet of Confucianism no longer existed in Shandong province and people suffered from the fighting everywhere. Now, we seek the details of the old battlefield on the mainland. After the arrival to the kernel spot of Taiwan and Japan, we try to reproduce the blood and iron spirit that have been covered by the war, discover the details of history from the disgrace of nation and the family feud and reproduce the righteousness while Chinese fighting the Japanese invaders. The history documentary Taierhzhuang 1938 fully presents the great Chinese spirit with the melodious deep history feelings and nation feelings and presents the Chinese war-riors’ fighting in the bloody battle in Taierhzhuang.
文章引用:马业杰. 还原真正的历史,让后世铭记—论纪录片《台儿庄一九三八》[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2015, 3(2): 17-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JC.2015.32004