Study of Fatigue Test Criteria for Power Train Mount
摘要: 本文以某轿车动力总成悬置系统疲劳强度试验为例,对发动机侧悬置展开详细介绍了悬置系统疲劳强度试验方案、载荷测量、载荷压缩技术和试验结果分析。通过三组动态试验考核动力总成悬置系统的疲劳强度,最终建立一套可靠的疲劳强度试验标准。
Abstract: This thesis uses the fatigue test of mount system of the certain vehicle’s power train as the example to detail the test solution, measurement of load, load compression technology and analysis of test result about the fatigue test of mount system. Fatigue strength of power train mount system could be checked out through three groups of dynamic tests. Finally, we use it to build up the reliable fatigue strength standard of power train mount system.
文章引用:李明, 周鋐. 动力总成悬置系统疲劳强度试验标准的研究[J]. 机械工程与技术, 2015, 4(2): 141-150. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MET.2015.42015