Water Resources Argumentation for Baiyanghe Coal Mine Project in Xinjiang
摘要: 根据建设项目所在区域水资源状况、项目取用水量,确定了水资源论证等级及分析论证范围。进而对项目的取用水合理性进行分析,论证了取水水源方案与水量,分析了取水影响,退水处理方案与影响。结果表明:建设项目取用水合理,取水水源是可靠和可行的,建设项目取水对区域水资源和其他用户影响有限,建设项目退水处理方案合理可行,不会对水功能区和第三者产生影响。研究成果将作为建设单位取退水的控制与实施依据,并为当地水行政主管部门办理取水许可提供了数据支撑。
Abstract: According to the water resources situation and water consumption, the rationality of water resources argumentation and range are determined. And on that basis the reasonable water consumption is ana-lyzed. The project of water intake is demonstrated and the influence of water and returning water solution is given. The results show that the water consumption is feasible and will influence on regional water resources and other users. At the same time, the project for return water is reasonable, and will not affect water function areas and others. This study will be used as reference to control and implementation of taking and returning water for construction unit, and as data support to water consumption for the department of local water administration.
文章引用:戚印鑫, 柯春光. 新疆呼图壁白杨河煤矿工程水资源论证研究[J]. 水资源研究, 2015, 4(4): 375-380. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JWRR.2015.44046


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