Investigation on the Electromagnetic Transient for AC/DC Parallel Line during Lightning Fault
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2015.55027, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,260  浏览: 7,706 
作者: 彭 澎:深圳供电局有限公司基建部技术经济中心,广东 深圳
关键词: 暂态分析并行线路特高压输电Transient Analysis Parallel Transmission Lines Ultra-High Voltage Power Transmission
摘要: 为了节约资源和环境保护,我国特高压输电线路将形成大容量多回输电线路、交直流并行的格局。雷击是特高压线路跳闸的主要原因,论文搭建了交直流并行输电线仿真模型,对线路遭受雷击时的电磁暂态进行了仿真分析。首先采用PSCAD仿真软件建立了特高压直流输电工程的仿真模型,建立了特高压交直流并行输电线路模型。基于以上模型对雷击特高压直流线路进行了暂态仿真,分析了参数的暂态变化。结果表明线路电压与电流均迅速上升,两极各项参数发生了畸变和振荡。
Abstract: In order to save resources and protect the environment, the power grid of China will have more multiple-circuit transmission lines and high capacity AC/DC parallel transmission lines. This paper builds the simulation model of AC/DC parallel transmission lines and studies the transient process of transmission lines when lightning, which is one of the main reasons of line fault. The electromagnetic transient simulation software PSCAD/EMTDC is employed to establish the simu-lation model of UHV DC model, and the AC/DC parallel transmission model is also set up. Based on the model established above, we simulate the transient simulation of lightning striking on the DC lines and AC lines, and parameters’ changes are analyzed. It turns out that the voltage and current of the transmission lines will rise abruptly when the lightning happens and many parameters of DC lines will have strong distortion and oscillation.
文章引用:彭澎. 交直流并行线路雷击时电磁暂态仿真研究[J]. 智能电网, 2015, 5(5): 220-227. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SG.2015.55027


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