Natural Self-Grown Design for a Creative Future
DOI: 10.12677/ARL.2015.44009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,365  浏览: 6,745  科研立项经费支持
作者: 吴文正*, 王 文:香港理工大学,纺织与服装制衣学系,香港
关键词: 自我生长艺术生物材料和技术时装创意可持续艺术创作Self-Grown Fashion Bio-Materials and Technology Fashion Creative Sustainable in Art and Design
摘要: 将生物学和设计相结合,创作出新的美学可能性,并且通过建造生产的生态环保化,解决日益紧迫的能源和环境问题,这将一个未来艺术时尚发展的新视角。目前我们正在开发一个运用天然可降解生物材料直接生长出整件时装的研究,一个新的设计框架已经建立,研究实验包含纤维的平面生长成型,立体生长成型,以及多维立体生长成型。在这篇文章中,我们调查了一些利用有生命的材料和生长过程进行创作的设计和艺术项目,设计师和艺术家通过结合生物特性和技术进行创新试验,已达到节能、环保以及可持续性的目的。我们关注这些新实践和新趋势,观察并分析它们的可行性,以及对未来的发展和影响。这也是对“自我生长设计”项目的进一步研究和探索。
Abstract: Designers and artists have always looked to nature for inspiration and materials, but only recently they have been able to alter and incorporate living materials and biology in their work. A study was conceived for fashion to be grown directly from natural renewable bio-material which was more labour friendly, cost effective and of a lower environmental impact. A new design framework of fashion creation from natural renewable bio-material was established to reason the design rationale and procedures for optimal results and efficiency. The experimentation involved cellulosic formation from its solution to 2D, to 3D form, to multiple 3D form. This paper reported prior examples of art and design that involved natural self-grown materials and techniques, meanwhile, observed and analyzed their feasibility for future development.
文章引用:吴文正, 王文. 天然自我生长艺术的创意未来[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2015, 4(4): 57-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ARL.2015.44009