Operations of Mother-Pup Separation and the Effects on HPA Axis in Rat
摘要: 文章对实验鼠母婴分离操作的主要形式进行了描述,主要包括早期处置和母爱分离;并根据分离操作的主要特点,如分离频率和幼鼠是否单独分离,对实验鼠母爱分离的方式做了进一步的分类,包括母爱剥夺,重复母爱分离和非重复母爱分离;以及母爱分离和早期剥夺。最后文章简要探讨了早起处置和母爱分离对压力应对的主要机制——下丘脑–垂体–肾上腺轴的影响。
Abstract: The paper described different operations of mother-pup separation, including early handling and maternal separation. Maternal separation was further categorized into maternal deprivation, daily maternal separation and occasional maternal separation; it was also categorized into maternal separation and early deprivation. Finally, a brief summary of the effects of mother-pup separation on HPA axis activity was also provided.
文章引用:陈丽芸 (2015). 实验鼠的母婴分离操作及对HPA轴的影响. 心理学进展, 5(11), 675-680. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.511087


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