The Study of the Actual Performance of the Alienation of Education and Relevant Strategies
摘要: 教育的本质应该是培养人,使人获得自由而全面的发展,而现实的教育却越来越背离了这一本质,成为一种被奴役的对象和工具,即教育异化了。教育异化由两部分构成:教育的异化和人的异化。如何在教育改革和实践中改变教育异化的现状是值得当今教育工作者反思的重大课题。
Abstract: The nature of the education should train people, make them develop freely and comprehensively. But in practice, the education is increasingly departed from its nature and become a slave and tool. That is the education is alienated. The alienation of education consists of two parts: alienated education and alienated people. How to change it in practice should be an important issue to be reflected for all educators.
文章引用:王娟. 我国教育异化的现实表现及其对策研究[J]. 教育进展, 2011, 1(2): 51-54. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ae.2011.12010


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