The Design and Application of Zunyi Power Grid Reservoir Dispatching Information Management System
摘要: 针对遵义电网水库调度的现状分析,提出建设遵义电网水调信息管理系统,以解决遵义电网水调面临的关水库调度的问题;进而采用分层架构、复合链路构建、图元化设计等技术,构建了基于C/S和B/S混合模式的水调信息管理系统,实现了信息采集、数据处理、信息展示、预报调度和Web发布等功能,提升了遵义电网水电调度的管理水平。
Abstract: According to the present reservoir dispatching situation of Zunyi power grid, this paper puts forward some suggestions on building the reservoir dispatching information management system to solve the problems on the reservoir dispatching operation. Through using the multi-level struc- ture, composite link construction and graphic element designs, reservoir dispatching information management system of C/S and B/S model has been constructed. Functions of information collection, data processing, information displaying, forecast scheduling and web publishing etc. are realized. This improves management level for the Zunyi power grid reservoir dispatching.
文章引用:田雨, 白树军, 安万, 胡兵轩, 覃禹铭. 遵义电网水调信息管理系统设计与应用[J]. 电气工程, 2015, 3(4): 149-154. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JEE.2015.34020