河南某2 × 660 MW燃煤机组废水零排放方案研究
Scheme of Zero Wastewater Discharge System for a 2 × 660 MW Power Plant in Henan Province
摘要: 文章系统分析了河南某2 × 660 MW燃煤机组的废水种类、废水产生量和各系统耗水情况,介绍了实现全厂废水零排放所采取的系统方案和关键技术,重点是以旁流石灰处理工艺为主体的循环冷却排水回收系统和脱硫废水“预处理 + 正渗透 + 蒸发结晶”处理系统。该方案同时实现了废水零排放和污泥、结晶盐的资源化利用,对燃煤电厂废水零排放方案设计具有一定的参考价值。
Abstract: This paper analyzes the wastewater sorts, quantity and water consumption in a 2 × 660 MW Power Plant in Henan Province. Based on this, the scheme of zero wastewater discharge system was proposed. One of the two key sectors in this scheme is the side-stream lime treatment process in the circulating water system, and the other is the desulfurization wastewater treatment which combines routine treatment with forward osmosis (FO), evaporation and crystallization. The scheme can achieve the comprehensive utilization of wastewater, sludge and crystallization salts at the same time, and therefore is valuable for the design of zero wastewater discharge system in coal-fired power plant.
文章引用:胡耘, 张明, 孙雪丽. 河南某2 × 660 MW燃煤机组废水零排放方案研究[J]. 环境保护前沿, 2015, 5(6): 168-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AEP.2015.56022


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