Study about the Construction of Teaching Materials for Non-Commissioned Officers’ Job-Oriented Education
摘要: 文章结合士官任职教育特点,在分析现有教材体系现状的基础上,对其模式进行了探索,针对士官任职教育培训类型与层次较多、学员学习需求各异等特点,就如何编写士官任职教育教材相关问题进行认真探讨,并指出教材建设应突出层次性、先进性、针对性、综合性和实践性。针对上述特点本文提出了一些新的观点和做法,以提高教材编写水平,最大限度地满足任职教育教学的需要。
Abstract: According to the characteristics of non-commissioned officers’ job-oriented education, we analyze the actuality of existing teaching material system and research the model of teaching materials in this paper. For job-oriented education differs in training models and levels and the students have different demands in study, problems of compiling of teaching materials for non-commissioned officer’s job-oriented education are discussed. Owing to the characteristics, it is necessary to focus on the levels, advancement, pertinence, comprehensiveness and practicality of the construction of the teaching materials. Some new views and practices are proposed; they can improve the stan-dards of compiling teaching materials and maximally satisfy the demand of job-oriented education.
文章引用:江恒, 庄军飞, 王在渊. 基于士官任职教育的教材体系建设研究[J]. 职业教育, 2016, 5(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/VE.2016.51001