Research of Legal Relief Way of Administrative Nonfeasance
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2016.41001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,326  浏览: 6,382 
作者: 宋勇梁:云南财经大学,云南 昆明
关键词: 行政不作为法律救济完善Administrative Inaction Legal Relief Perfection
摘要: 行政不作为是行政违法行为的一种,其在社会生活中大量存在,影响人们的生活,它不仅破坏了政府形象,损害广大人民的合法权益,也是依法行政和依法治国的重大阻碍,对社会也有着巨大的破坏作用。如何准确的界定行政不作为行为,寻找出合适的法律救济途径不仅是我们做到依法行政的必要环节,也是我们建设民主、法制国家的必然要求。本文从行政不作为的概念界定入手,通过指出我国行政不作为的法律救济缺陷,比较欧美发达国家相关救济途径,来找寻完善我国行政不作为法律救济途径的道路。
Abstract: Administrative nonfeasance is a kind of administrative violations, abounding in the social life and affecting people’s lives. It not only destroys the government image and damages the legitimate rights and interests of the broad masses of the people, but also is the major obstacle of adminis-tration according to law and the rule of law, and it also has huge damage to the society. How to ac-curately define administrative inaction, looking for the suitable legal relief way not only is the ne-cessary link of administration according to law, but also is the inevitable requirement of our con-struction of a country with democracy and legal system. This article, from the perspective of ad-ministrative inaction’s definition, by pointing out the administrative not as a legal remedy defects and comparing the western developed country related relief way, tries to find a way to improve our country’s legal relief way of administrative nonfeasance.
文章引用:宋勇梁. 行政不作为法律救济途径研究[J]. 法学, 2016, 4(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2016.41001


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