From “Understanding the Words” to “Understanding the Person”—Based on the Discussion of Confucius and Mencius
DOI: 10.12677/CnC.2016.41001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,191  浏览: 5,242 
作者: 胡顺萍:元智大学中国语文学系,台湾
关键词: 儒家孔子孟子知言知人Confucianism Confucius Mencius Understanding the Words Understanding the Person
摘要: 本论文是以孔、孟对于他人之言说,依之以求确实地了解其人,唯能知言之是非,才能知人之善恶,能知人之善恶,才能因其善恶而引导他人,并与之交往。如何由“知言”以达“知人”,是孔、孟论言说之主要目的。本论文举孔、孟对于有关言说之论述为主要依据,以逐一剖析之,以透显在知其言之过程中,以达知其人之确实。
Abstract: This paper deals with the discussion of Confucius and Mencius to a person’s words by which we can really understand this person. We can understand this person is good or bad only when we can understand that his words are right or wrong. And we can guide this person according to his goodness or badness and then make friends with him only when we can understand he is good or bad. How to “understand a person” by “understanding his words” is the main purpose. This paper will be based on the discussion of Confucius and Mencius to people’s words and we will analyze them one by one to achieve the certainty of “understanding a person” by the process of “understanding his words”.
文章引用:胡顺萍. 由知言而知人—以孔、孟为论[J]. 国学, 2016, 4(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2016.41001