The System Choice of Carbon Financial Market in China under Carbon Intensity Restriction
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2016.62009, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,328  浏览: 4,604  国家科技经费支持
作者: 刘 婧:山东工商学院/山东能源经济协同创新中心,山东 烟台;王琳晴:四川大学,四川 成都
关键词: 气候变化碳强度碳金融市场Climate Change Carbon Intensity Carbon Financial Market
摘要: 面对气候变化的严峻形势,我国在推进碳减排工作中制定了相关政策和实践。但是由于现行环境管理推进模式存在很多弊端,使得我国的碳减排工作困难重重。因此,我国必须探寻一种新型的碳减排制度,提高我国碳减排领域的效率,降低减排成本。国际社会上碳排放强度提出后,显示出其对经济增长和治理环境问题的重要作用。联合国气候大会上,我国政府提出了基于碳强度指标的自愿减排的目标。因此,本文采用规范分析方法,提出建立碳强度约束下的碳金融市场是我国应对气候变化的必然制度选择。最终得出结论,我国需要从特殊国情出发,将碳强度与碳市场进行有机结合,建立一个基于碳排放强度指标减排的碳金融市场。并需要在限定排放目标的基础上,明确买卖主体,完成碳强度指标与碳总量指标的转化,最终实现分行业、分地区的碳交易。
Abstract: Face to the serious situation of climate change, China has made the related policies and practices in promoting carbon reduction work. But, the current environmental management advance mode has many disadvantages; it made the carbon reduction work hard. Therefore, China must explore a new type of carbon reduction system to improve the efficiency in the field of carbon emissions, and also reduce the costs. Now, the international community has raised carbon intensity reduction mode, and it has showed its important role in economic growth and governance facing to the en-vironmental problems. In the UN climate conference, the Chinese government has presented the carbon intensity of voluntary emission reduction targets. Therefore, the establishment of carbon financial market under the restriction of carbon intensity is the necessary choice in China using the standard analysis method. We need to start with special national conditions in China, combine the carbon intensity to carbon market, and finally create a carbon market based on carbon emission intensity target. And we need to clear trading bodies, complete the conversion of total carbon to carbon intensity index on the basis of defining emission targets, and ultimately complete industry and region carbon trade.
文章引用:刘婧, 王琳晴. 排放强度约束下我国碳金融市场的制度选择[J]. 可持续发展, 2016, 6(2): 73-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2016.62009


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