Research on the Cultivation of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Ability of Undergraduates in China
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.52043, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,861  浏览: 10,944 
作者: 于少强, 尚彩云*:大连海事大学交通运输管理学院,辽宁 大连
关键词: 我国高校大学生创新创业能力Chinese Universities Undergraduates Innovative and Entrepreneurial Ability
摘要: 我国正大力实施创新驱动战略,党和国家也一直高度重视大学生创新创业能力的培养和提升。2016年全国普通高校毕业生将达到765万人,高校作为国家人才培养的重要基地,对大学生创新创业能力的提升负有重要责任。因此,高校自身也应该积极改革,不断创新,肩负起创新创业教育的重任。本文分析了现阶段我国高校对大学生创新创业能力培养的现状与问题,介绍了国内外高校的相关经验,提出了适合于我国国情的高校大学生创新创业能力培养的对策建议。
Abstract: With the expansion of universities’ enrollment, the number of undergraduates is increasing every year. The number of undergraduates will reach 7.65 million in 2016, which will lead to the problem of employment of undergraduates. In order to solve this problem, the state introduced the relevant policies to encourage students to start a business innovation. Universities, which are an important place to cultivate undergraduates, are directly related to the education of undergraduates’ innovation and entrepreneurial ability. Therefore, universities should reform actively and shoulder the responsibility of innovation and entrepreneurship education. This paper analyzes the current situation and problems of the cultivation of undergraduates’ innovative and entrepreneurial ability, at the same time, also introduces the cultivation of undergraduates’ entrepreneurial innovation ability in the United States and Sweden. Then it summarizes the measures and suggestions for the cultivation of undergraduates’ innovative and entrepreneurial ability.
文章引用:于少强, 尚彩云. 我国高校大学生创新创业能力培养问题研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(2): 299-305. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.52043


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