Effects of Novel Zeolite Fertilizer on the Harvesting Quality and Yield of Paddy
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2016.63012, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,749  浏览: 5,277 
作者: 吴展才, Muhammad Asyraf Abdul Aziz, Muhamad Izzuddin Khairuddin, 陈宥维:绿丰农业私人有限公司,吉隆坡;吴思节:台湾大学园艺学系,台湾 台北
关键词: 含硅型肥料水稻千粒重增产Silica-Containing Fertilizer Paddy Thousand-Grain Weight Yield Increment
摘要: 水稻为全球最重要的粮食作物,中国也为全球最大的消费国和生产国。本研究测试一种新型含硅的水稻专用配方,分别于马来西亚和台湾地区测试水稻产量和质量。在马来西亚的方面,用量从化学肥料的用量从每公顷810公斤减至本肥料的150公斤,传统化肥产量为6100公斤/公顷。使用绿丰肥料每公顷收成可高达8000公斤。增产幅度33%。台湾方面,在屏东的九如乡和崁顶乡使用绿丰®水稻肥的增幅分别达到16.7%和15.7%。分析去壳后糙米质量,脱壳后千粒重,绿丰®水稻肥处理者较传统复合肥高出5.2%~7.8%。总淀粉含量方面,绿丰®水稻肥比对照组高出6.5%,稻谷水分和矿物质各处理间差异不大。说明了对比大幅减量的绿丰®水稻肥所生产出来的稻米质量,在水分和灰分的表现和传统肥料者无大差异,在总淀粉含量更高,直接说明了水稻对此肥料的利用率更佳,此配方适用于热带和亚热带水稻环境,十分合宜于中国境内水稻区推广使用。
Abstract: Paddy rice is the most important staple food in the world. China is the biggest producer and consumer of paddy in the world as well. In this study, novel silica-containing fertilizers for paddy were used to study the yield and quality of paddy in Malaysia and Chinese Taipei. Compared to conventional chemical fertilizers, trial in Malaysia showed that the recommendation usage of this fertilizer was greatly reduced from 810 kg conventional to 150 kg; the yield was found increased from 6100 kg/ha to 8000 kg/ha, with 33% increment. In the trial in Taiwan, the yields from Jiuru and Kanting, Pingtung County also reported to be 16.7% and 15.7% increment, respectively. Evaluation on the quality of dehusked paddy, performance on thousand-grain weight, water content, ash and total starch, thousand-grain weight increased 5.2% - 7.8%; total starch content has 6.5% higher than conventional fertilizer group. No difference observed on the water content and mineral contents of both treatments. This further explained that qualities of grains were not affected by the reduction of fertilizer. This novel silica-containing fertilizer was especially suitable for tropical and sub-tropical paddy areas and very promising to be further promoted in China paddy plantation.
文章引用:吴展才, 吴思节, Muhammad Asyraf AbdulAziz, Muhamad IzzuddinKhairuddin, 陈宥维. 新型含硅型沸石肥料对水稻采收质量和产量的效益[J]. 农业科学, 2016, 6(3): 79-86. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2016.63012


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