Research on the Method of Selecting Iterative Target Signal for Six Channels Test
摘要: 本文针对六通道道路模拟试验台迭代加速度目标信号筛选行了研究,提出了一种将载荷谱离散进行单位化拟合的相关度分析方法,计算了前车身加速度信号和前副车架应变信号之间的相关度,提出了一种基于相关分析的台架迭代目标信号筛选方法。以伪损伤最大原则筛选了一组台架试验迭代目标信号,对相关分析法筛选结果与伪损伤最大原则筛选结果进行了时域、频域、相关性三个方面对比。
Abstract: In this paper, the selection of the acceleration signals of the six channels road simulation test bench is researched. The correlation between the strain spectrum of sub frame and the acceleration spectrum of the car body is calculated by linear fitting. Acceleration signals are selected by the result of the correlation analysis. In addition, six acceleration signals were selected by comparing the pseudo damage of each acceleration spectrum. This group of acceleration signals was analyzed and compared with signals selected by correlation analysis within time-domain, frequency-domain and correlation-domain.
文章引用:杨晓俊, 李军. 六通道试验迭代目标信号筛选方法研究[J]. 机械工程与技术, 2016, 5(2): 182-194. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MET.2016.52022


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