Engineering Application of Flue Gas Ultra-Low Emission Technical Routes in Coal-Fired Power Plant
摘要: 中国大气污染形势依旧严峻,燃煤电厂烟气排放政策愈加严格,市场需求更加迫切,针对这一现状,同时借鉴国外先进技术,为实现燃煤电厂烟气超低排放,可分别采用“以低低温电除尘技术为核心的烟气协同治理技术路线”或“湿式电除尘技术路线”,本文对该两条技术路线进行了简述,并从技术路线及设计要求、技术方案、投运效果等方面介绍了其典型案例,对两条路线的技术特点作了比较,提出了烟气超低排放技术存在的问题及建议。本文可为超低排放技术路线的选择及工程推广提供一定参考。
Abstract: The atmospheric pollution situation in China is still serious. Flue gas emission policies are stricter and new technique is asked for market demand. In accordance with this present situation and to meet the requirement of flue gas ultra-low emission in Chinese coal-fired power plant, flue gas co-governance route with low-low temperature ESP technology as core task and WESP technical route could be used respectively. These two technical routes were described briefly. Typical cases from aspects of technical route, design requirement, technical proposal, operation effect and so on were introduced. Comparison of technical characteristics of two technical routes was conducted in this paper, and noteworthy problems and suggestions for flue gas ultra-low emission technical were pointed out. This paper could provide some reference for the selection of flue gas ultra-low emission technical routes and engineering promotion.
文章引用:袁建国, 周号, 郦建国, 刘含笑. 燃煤电厂烟气超低排放技术路线的工程应用[J]. 电力与能源进展, 2016, 4(4): 75-81. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AEPE.2016.44010


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