The Rural Welfare Institute Building and the Response of Social Work under the Endogenous Development Model—An Empirical Study on Both F and Y Rural Welfare Institutes of Hubei Province
摘要: 随着人口结构的变迁、家庭功能的弱化以及人们思想观念的改变,在广大农村地区发展公共养老机构已成为必然趋势。本文以湖北省“8 + 1城市圈”中F、Y两所农村福利院为例,采用观察法和访谈法对两所农村福利院的“院民自治”、“院办经济”、“驻地康复”等特色管理和服务进行研究,运用生态视角分析现状,指出当前福利院普遍存在的问题包括:院民有能力改变生存现状而不自知、机构定点服务弊端重重而不自觉、院企联动下问题凸显而不自省等。针对以上问题本文进行了树状模型建构,并提出社会工作应对的三条服务路径:微观的自我认知、中观的社会服务和宏观的制度建设,希望通过一系列的农村福利院营造来改善院民的生活质量,促进农村福利院的内源式发展。
Abstract: To develop public pension institutions in the vast rural areas has become an inevitable trend with the change of population structure, family function and people’s ideas. This paper takes both F and Y rural welfare homes in “8 + 1 city circle” of Hubei Province as an example, and uses observation and interview methods to research on characteristics of management and service with these two rural welfare homes among people autonomy, welfare economy and home rehabilitation. Then we use the perspective of ecological analysis of the current situation, and point out that the common problems of current welfare homes include: welfare homes and people don’t realize that they have ability to change the survival situation; institutions designated service has many disadvantages; the cooperation of welfare house and enterprises contains many prominent problems while without introspection, etc. In order to solve these problems, this paper builds a tree model, and proposes three paths for the responses of social work service: the micro self-knowledge, medium social services and macro system construction. It is hoped that through a series of construction of rural welfare homes, the living quality of the old people can be improved and the endogenous development model of rural welfare institutions can be promoted.
文章引用:徐莉, 杨艳梅. 内源式发展模式下农村福利院营造与社会工作应对—基于湖北省F、Y两所农村福利院的实证研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(3): 373-380. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.53052


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