Helping for Joy and Its Motives Analysis
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作者: 李万县:河北经贸大学公共管理学院,河北 石家庄
关键词: 助人为乐动因ERG理论Helping for Joy Motivation ERG Theory
摘要: “助人为乐”一词在我国妇孺皆知,并为社会广泛推崇,但对其背后的文化根源和理论价值却少有探究。本文对助人为乐的概念解析和行为动因的探讨结论表明:助人为乐,作为一个成语不仅引领了社会风尚,而且它是中华文化在助人行为上的独创,而且言简意赅的揭示了利他行为的内在机理,具有丰富的理论意义。
Abstract: The term “Helping for joy” is well known to all Chinese and it is highly appreciated. However, there are fewer studies on its culture root reasons and its theoretical values. Analysis on its concept and motivations demonstrates that the term of helping for joy not only has led the social fashion, but also is a unique creation of Chinese culture, and also it simply discloses the mechanism of altruistic behavior and the rich theoretical implications.
文章引用:李万县. 助人为乐及其动因探析[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(3): 405-409. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.53056


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