The Characteristics and Impacts of Expert-Oppressor and Its Way of Change: Case Study
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2016.66040, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,568  浏览: 2,317 
作者: 马 冀*:台湾政治大学教育学院,台湾 台北
关键词: 专家式压迫者教育行政个案分析改善Expert-Oppressor Education Administration Case Study Improvement
摘要: 当前的大陆基础教育学校中,亦存在着Foucault所说的宰制状态。然而教育系统的宰制有其特殊性,即专家与行政的融合。笔者依据弗莱雷《受压迫者教育学》的理论,通过一个个案的分析,提出专家式压迫者的概念,并指出这类专家式压迫者的特征和其背后的原因,最后提出一些可以避免或解决这种专家式压迫者的可能办法,以提供有类似情况发生又愿意寻求解决之道的教育者和教师一点参考和启示。
Abstract: In the basic education of mainland China today, the situation of domination has existed which is suggested by Foucault. However, the domination in compulsory education has its particularity which is the combination of expert and administration power. Researcher points out the defini-tion of expert-oppressor according to the theory of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire with a case analysis. Meanwhile, the characteristics and causing reasons are indicated and also the possible way of changing this situation, which could be the advices and inspirations to educators and teachers when they face the similar condition and hope to figure it out.
文章引用:马冀. 专家式压迫者的特征和影响以及改善之道——个案研究[J]. 教育进展, 2016, 6(6): 265-274. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2016.66040


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