An Analysis of Turn-Taking Strategies Based on the Transcripts of a Group Interview
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2016.44018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,940  浏览: 3,801 
作者: 胡萍萍:浙江师范大学外国语学院,浙江 金华
关键词: 话轮转换策略集体访谈Turn-Taking Strategies Group Interview
摘要: 话轮转换是所有会话的一个基本特点。通过对一次集体访谈的语料分析,发现集体访谈的话语结构有时呈现出“主持人提问-受访者回答-受访者提问-受访者回答-主持人回应”的多向互动模式;主持人对话轮分配、话轮长度和谈话内容的操控对集体访谈的成败起着关键作用;提名或利用副语言特征、自我选择、插话、抢话、按座位顺序轮流发话等是取得话轮的常用策略;保持话轮的策略有使用话语未结束语、未完成标记、搪塞语、重复、语速和音调等;放弃话轮的策略有结束语加沉默等。
Abstract: Turn-taking is a basic feature of all the conversations. The analysis of a group interview transcript reveals that: the turn-construction of the group interview is sometimes a multi-interactional model of “interviewer’s questioning, interviewee’s answering, interviewee’s questioning, intervie- wee’s answering, interviewer’s echoing”; the interviewer’s control of turn-allocation, turn-length, and content plays a crucial role in the efficiency of group interview; nomination and using paralinguistic features, self-selection, interruption, intrusion, and taking turns according to seat arrangement are strategies for taking the turn; using utterance incompletor, incompletion marker and hesitation filler, repetition, speech pacing and intonation are the useful strategies for holding the turn while applying utterance completor plus silence, etc. can be effective strategies for yielding the turn.
文章引用:胡萍萍. 基于集体访谈语料的话轮转换策略分析[J]. 现代语言学, 2016, 4(4): 177-185. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2016.44018


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