A Semantic Analysis of Relative Clauses Modifying Proper Names in Mandarin
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2016.44022, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,845  浏览: 5,726  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张志恒:香港理工大学,香港
关键词: 定语从句专有名词限定性解读非限定性解读Relative Clauses Proper NamesRestrictive Interpretation Non-Restrictive Interpretation
摘要: 本文主要讨论汉语中定语从句修饰专有名词时的语义解读。我们认为应当区分个体性定语从句和阶段性定语从句,并且我们也进一步论证了个体性定语从句通常是非限定性解读,而阶段性定语从句则是限定性解读。造成这两种不同语义解读的直接原因是专有名词既可以指称客体又可以指称客体在不同时间/空间上的阶段。基于这样的假设,本文从集合论的角度详细论证了两种不同解读的语义实现过程。
Abstract: This paper investigates the interpretations of relative clauses modifying proper names in Mandarin. It is proposed that a distinction should be made between individual-level relatives and stage-level relatives. It is further shown that individual-level relatives modifying proper names always yield a non-restrictive interpretation, whereas stage-level relatives modifying proper names always yield a restrictive interpretation. The underlying cause of the two interpretations is identified as the semantic ambiguity of proper names, which can denote individuals as well as stages realizing an individual. Following this view, the paper offers a semantic account for the two interpretations available to relative clauses modifying proper names.
文章引用:张志恒. 汉语定语从句修饰专有名词的语义分析[J]. 现代语言学, 2016, 4(4): 207-214. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2016.44022


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